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Alley, J., Brener, S. A., & Diamond, L. M. (2023). Associations between childhood victimization, adult victimization, and physical health among sexually diverse adults at different stages of life. LGBT health,

Assink, M., Rothblum, E. D., Wilson, B. D. M., Gartrell, N., & Bos, H. M. W. (2022). Mental health of lesbian, bisexual, and other-identified parents and non-parents from a population-based study. Journal of Homosexuality69(2), 205–229.

Barsigian, L. L., Hammack, P. L., Morrow, Q. J., Wilson, B. D. M., & Russell, S. T. (2020). Narratives of gender, sexuality, and community in three generations of genderqueer sexual minorities. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 7(3), 276–292.

Bishop, M. D., Fish, J. N., Hammack, P. L., & Russell, S. T. (2020). Sexual identity development milestones in three generations of sexual minority people: A national probability sample. Developmental Psychology, 56(11), 2177–2193.

Bishop, M. D., Mallory, A. B., Gessner, M., Frost, D. M., & Russell, S. T. (2021). School-based sexuality education experiences across three generations of sexual minority people. Journal of Sex Research, 58(5), 648–658.

Bishop, M. D., Mallory, A. B., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Sexual minority identity development: Latent profiles of developmental milestones in a national probability sample. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.

Blosnich, J. R., Henderson, E. R., Coulter, R., Goldbach, J. T., & Meyer, I. H. (2020). Sexual orientation change efforts, adverse childhood experiences, and suicide ideation and attempt among sexual minority adults, United States, 2016-2018. American Journal of Public Health, 110(7), 1024–1030

Blosnich, J. R., Meyer, I. H., Goldbach, J. T., Henderson, E. R., & Coulter, R. W. S. (2021). Blosnich et al. respond. American Journal of Public Health111(4), e20–e21.

Blosnich, J. R., Coulter, R. W. S., Henderson, E. R., Goldbach, J. T., & Meyer, I. H. (2023). Correcting a false research narrative: A commentary on Sullins (2022). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52, 885-888.

Campbell, C. K., Hammack, P. L., Gordon, A. R., & Lightfoot, M. A. (2022). "I was always trying to figure it out… on my own terms": Structural barriers, the internet, and sexual identity development among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer people of different generations. Journal of Homosexuality, 1–23. Advance online publication.

Choi, S.K., Wilson, B.D.M., & Mallory, C. (2021). Black LGBT Adults in the US: LGBT Well-Being at the Intersection of Race. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Choi, S.K., Wilson, B.D.M., & Mallory, C. (2021). AAPI LGBT Adults: LGBT Well-Being at the Intersection of Race. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Dorri, A. A., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Future parenting aspirations and minority stress in U.S. sexual minority adults. Journal of Family Psychology. Advance online publication.

Dorri, A. A., & Russell, S. T. (2024). Being out in high school: Positive implications for well-being in three U.S. cohorts of sexual minority adults. Developmental Psychology, 60(6), 1131–1144.

Fingerhut, A. W., Martos, A. J., Choi, S. K., & Abdou, C. M. (2022). Healthcare stereotype threat and health outcomes among LGB individuals. Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 56(6), 562–572.

Flentje, A., Heck, N. C., Brennan, J. M., & Meyer, I. H. (2020). The relationship between minority stress and biological outcomes: A systematic review. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43(5), 673–694.

Fredriksen-Goldsen, K., Hoy-Ellis, C., Kim, H. J., Jung, H. H., Emlet, C. A., Johnson, I., & Goldsen, J. (2023). Generational and social forces in the life events and experiences of lesbian and gay midlife and older adults across the iridescent life course. Journal of Aging and Health, 35(3-4), 265–281.

Frost, D. M., Fingerhut, A. W., & Meyer, I. H. (2022). Social change and relationship quality among sexual minority individuals: Does minority stress still matter? Journal of Marriage and Family, 84( 3), 920– 933.

Frost, D. M., Meyer, I. H., & Hammack, P. L. (2015). Health and well-being in emerging adults' same-sex relationships: Critical questions and directions for research in developmental science. Emerging Adulthood (Print), 3(1), 3–13.

Frost, D. M., Meyer, I. H., Lin, A., Wilson, B., Lightfoot, M., Russell, S. T., & Hammack, P. L. (2022). Social change and the health of sexual minority individuals: Do the effects of minority stress and community connectedness vary by age cohort?. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51(4), 2299–2316.

Frost, D. M., Hammack, P. L., Wilson, B. D. M., Russell, S. T., Lightfoot, M., & Meyer, I. H. (2020). The qualitative interview in psychology and the study of social change: Sexual identity development, minority stress, and health in the generations study. Qualitative Psychology, 7(3), 245–266.

Gessner, M., Bishop, M.D., Martos, A., Wilson, B.D.M., & Russell, S.T. (2020). Sexual minority people’s perspectives of sexual health care: Understanding minority stress in sexual health settings. Sexual Research and Social Policy, 17, 607–618.

Goldberg, S. K., Rothblum, E. D., Russell, S. T., & Meyer, I. H. (2020). Exploring the Q in LGBTQ: Demographic characteristic and sexuality of queer people in a U.S. representative sample of sexual minorities. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 7(1), 101–112.

Gordon, A. R., Fish, J. N., Kiekens, W. J., Lightfoot, M., Frost, D. M., & Russell, S. T. (2021). Cigarette smoking and minority stress across age cohorts in a national sample of sexual minorities: Results from the Generations Study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine: A Publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 55(6), 530–542.

Green, D. C., Parra, L. A., & Goldbach, J. T. (2022). Experiences of minority stress and access to health services among sexual minority people in the United States. Health & Social Care in the Community, 00, 1– 12.

Hammack, P. L., Frost, D. M., Meyer, I. H., & Pletta, D. R. (2018). Gay men's health and identity: Social change and the life course. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(1), 59–74.

Hammack, P. L., Grecco, B., Wilson, B. D. M., & Meyer, I. H. (2021). “White, tall, top, masculine, muscular”: Narratives of intracommunity stigma in young sexual minority men’s experience on mobile apps. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Hammack, P.L., Meyer, I.H., Krueger, E.A., Lightfoot, M., & Frost, D.M. (2018). HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) use, familiarity, and attitudes among gay and bisexual men in the United States: A national probability sample of three birth cohorts. PLoS ONE, 13(9).

Hammack, P.L., Toolis, E.E., Wilson, B.D.M., Clark, R.C., & Frost, D.M. (2019). Making meaning of the impact of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) on public health and sexual culture: Narratives of three generations of gay and bisexual men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 1041–1058.

Hinds, J. T., Russell, S. T., & Weinberger, A. H. (2024). Smoking cessation among sexual minority women: Differences in cigarette quit ratios across age, race/ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Preventive Medicine, 188, 108035.

Holloway, I.W., Krueger, E.A., Meyer, I.H., Lightfoot, M., Frost, D.M., & Hammack, P.L. (2020) Longitudinal trends in PrEP familiarity, attitudes, use and discontinuation among a national probability sample of gay and bisexual men, 2016–2018. PLoS ONE, 15(12).

Kiekens, W. J., Fish, J. N., Gordon, A. R., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Everyday discrimination and alcohol use among sexual minority adults in a U.S. national probability sample. Substance Use & Misuse57(9), 1383–1391.

Krueger, E. A., Bishop, M. D., Mallory, A. B., Srivastava, A., & Russell, S. T. (2024). Sexual identity continuity and change in a U.S. national probability sample of sexual minority adults: Associations with mental health and problematic substance use. The American Journal of Psychiatry181(8), 753–760.

Krueger, E.A., Fish, J.N., Hammack, P.L., Lightfoot, M., Bishop, M.D., & Russell, S.T. (2020). Comparing national probability and community-based samples of sexual minority adults: Implications and recommendations for sampling and measurement. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 1463–1475.

Krueger, E.A., Holloway, I.W., Lightfoot, M., Lin, A., Hammack, P.L., Meyer, I.H. (2020). Psychological distress, felt stigma, and HIV prevention in a national probability sample of sexual minority men. LGBT Health, 7(4), 190-197.

Krueger, E. A., Westmoreland, D. A., Choi, S. K., Harper, G. W., Lightfoot, M., Hammack, P. L., & Meyer, I. H. (2021). Mental health among black and latinx sexual minority adults leading up to and following the 2016 U.S. presidential election: Results from a natural experiment. LGBT Health8(7), 454–462.

la Roi, C., Frost, D.M., Mallory, A., Lin, A., & Meyer, I.H. (2022) Sexual identity and birth cohort differences in social support and its link with well-being among sexual minority individuals. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Advance online publication.

Lee, Y. (2023). Over the rainbow: Sexual minorities' bonding and bridging social capital and civic engagement. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 33(3), 585–607.

Lefevor, G.T., Bouton, L.J.A. Davis, E.B., Skidmore, S.J., & Meyer, I.H. (2023). Correlates of Christian religious identification and de-identification among sexual and gender minorities: A U.S. probability sample.  Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.

Li, H., Um, B., & Bardhoshi, G. (2024). Stressors and social resources as predictors of sexual minorities’ social well-being. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling18(4), 363–378.

Liu, Q., Nestor, B. A., Eckstrand, K. L., & Cole, D. A. (2024). Stress proliferation in ethnoracial disparities of mental health among U.S. sexual minority adults. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology30(3), 553–565.

Luhur, W., Meyer, I.H., & Wilson, B.D.M. (2021). Policing LGBQ People. Brief. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA School of Law Williams Institute.

Mallory, A. B., Russell, S. T., & Meyer, I. H. (2023). Intersections of race, gender, and sexual identity attributions toward discrimination and mental health across three cohorts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.

Mallory, C., Brown, T.N.T., & Conron, K.J. (2018). Conversion Therapy and LGBT YouthLos Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Mallory, C., Brown, T.N.T., & Conron, K.J. (2019). Conversion Therapy and LGBT Youth (Update)Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Mann, S. J., Ryan, J. L., & Barbee, H. (2024). Age profiles of suicide attempt among sexual minority adolescents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, S0749-3797(24)00373-8. Advance online publication.

Martos, A.J., Wilson, P.A., Gordon, A.R., Lightfoot, M., & Meyer, I. (2018). Like finding a unicorn: Healthcare preferences among lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in the United States. Social Science & Medicine, 208, 126-133.

Martos, A.J., Wilson, P., Fingerhut, A., & Meyer, I.H. (2019). Utilization of LGBT-specific clinics and providers across three cohorts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in the United States. SSM Population Health, 9.

Martos, A.J., Wilson, P.A., & Meyer, I. (2017). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health services in the United States: Origins, evolution, and contemporary landscape. PLoS ONE,12(7).

Mernitz, S., Perez, J., Frost, D. M., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Relationship identities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults: An exploratory study. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 11(2), 89–101.

Meslay, G. & Russell, S.T.(2024). How do state policies impact access and pathways to parenthood for sexual minority adults?. Sexuality Research and Social Policy.

Meyer, I.H. (2016). Does an improved social environment for sexual and gender minorities have implications for a new minority stress research agenda? Psychology of Sexualities Review, 7(1), 81–90.

Meyer, I.H. (2016). The elusive promise of LGBT equality. American Journal of Public Health, 106, 1356-1358,

Meyer, I.H. (2018). Coming out milestones in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Meyer, I.H. (2020). Rejection sensitivity and minority stress: A challenge for clinicians and interventionists. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 2287-2289.

Meyer, I. H., & Blosnich, J. R. (2022). Commentary: Absence of behavioral harm following non-efficacious sexual orientation change efforts: A retrospective study of United States sexual minority adults, 2016-2018. Frontiers in psychology13, 997513.

Meyer I.H., Blosnich J.R., Choi S.K., Harper G.W., & Russell S.T. (2021). Suicidal behavior and coming out milestones in three cohorts of sexual minority adults. LGBT Health, 8(5), 340-348.

Meyer, I.H. & Choi, S.K. (2020). Differences between LGB Democrats and Republicans in Identity and Community Connectedness. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Meyer, I.H. & Krueger, E.A. (2019). Legally Married LGB People in the United States. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Meyer, I.H., Marken, S., Russell, S.T., Frost, D.M., & Wilson, B.D.M. (2020). An innovative approach to the design of a national probability sample of sexual minority adults. LGBT Health, 7(2),101-108.

Meyer I.H., Russell, S.T., Hammack, P.L., Frost, D.M., & Wilson, B.D.M. (2021). Minority stress, distress, and suicide attempts in three cohorts of sexual minority adults: A U.S. probability sample. PLoS ONE, 16(3).

Meyer, I.H., Wilson, B.D.M., & O’Neill, K. (2021). LGBTQ People in the US: Select Findings from the Generations and TransPop Studies. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Meyer, I.H., Wilson, B.D.M., Del Rosario, S., & O’Neill, K. (2021). Identity, Stress, and Health of LGBTQ People in the US (Data Interactive). Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Rosario, M., Espinosa, A., Kittle, K., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Childhood experiences and mental health of sexual minority adults: Examining three models. Journal of Sex Research59(7), 834–847.

Rothblum, E., Krueger, E.A., Kittle, K.R., & Meyer, I.H. (2020). Asexual and non-asexual respondents from a U.S. population-based study of sexual minorities. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 49, 757–767.

Russell, S. T., Mallory, A. B., Fish, J. N., Frost, D. M., Hammack, P. L., Lightfoot, M., Lin, A., Wilson, B., & Meyer, I. H. (2022). Distribution and prevalence of health in a national probability sample of three cohorts of sexual minority adults in the United States. LGBT Health. Advance online publication.

Saunders, R. K., Carr, D. C., & Burdette, A. M. (2023). Health care stereotype threat and sexual and gender minority well-being. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 221465231205549. Advance online publication.

Segovia, M., & Sparks, P. J. (2024). Sexual minorities and sleep health: How does discrimination and stigma influence a sleep disorder diagnosis?. Sleep Health10(1), 41–47.

Silva T. (2022). Subcultural Identification, Penetration Practices, Masculinity, and Gender Labels within a Nationally Representative Sample of Three Cohorts of American Black, White, and Latina/o LGBQ People. Archives of Sexual Behavior51(7), 3467–3483.

Simons, J. D., Hahn, S., Pope, M., & Russell, S. T. (2021). Experiences of educators who identify as lesbian, gay, and bisexual. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 33(3), 300–319.

Simons, J. D., Ramdas, M., & Russell, S. T. (2020). School-age coping: Themes across three generations of sexual minorities. Journal of School Counseling, 18(22).

Simons, J. D., & Russell, S. T. (2021). Educator interaction with sexual minority youth. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 33(4), 451–474.

Tang, M., Rodriguez, V. J., Stanton, A. M., Trichtinger, L. A., Yung, A., & Liu, Q. (2024). Identifying pathways from childhood adversity to suicidal thoughts and behaviors among sexual minority adults: An exploratory mediation analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 363, 532–541.

Thorpe, S., Hargons, C.N., Tanner, A.E., & Stevens-Watkins, D. (2022). Perceived HIV invulnerability and PrEP knowledge and attitudes among black sexual minority women. American Journal of Sexuality Education.

Thorpe, S., Malone, N., & Hargons, C. N. (2022). Black sexual minority women’s social well-being and psychological distress. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication.

Thorpe, S., Palomino, K. A., Malone, N., & Stevens-Watkins, D. (2024). Adverse childhood experiences and psychological correlates of substance use disorders among Black sexual minority women. Health Promotion Practice, 25(6), 945–950.

Thorpe, S., Tanner, A.E., & Hargons, C.N. (2022) Sexual identity factors and minority stressors associated with healthcare stereotype threat and access to care among Black sexual minority women, Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services.

van Bergen, D.D., Wilson, B.D., Russell, S.T., Gordon, A.G. and Rothblum, E.D. (2021). Parental responses to coming out by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, pansexual, or two-spirited people across three age cohorts. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 83(4), 1116–1133.

van der Star, A., & Bos, H. (2024). Multilevel sexual minority stigma-based experiences and mental health among U.S. sexual minority adults: A socio-ecological longitudinal moderated mediation analysis. The European Journal of Public Health34(Suppl 3), ckae144.735.

Westcott, J. B., Shaikh, A. N., & Miyazaki, Y. (2025). The effects of age cohort and gender on internalizedheterosexism over time among sexual minority adults in the United States. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication.

Wilson, B.D.M., Lin, A., & Bouton, L.J.A. (2024). Psychological and social predictors of poverty: Differences between lesbian and bisexual women. Women's Health Issues, S1049-3867(24)00103-8. Advance online publication.

Wilson, B.D.M. & Bouton, L.J.A. (2024). LGBTQ Parenting in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M. & Bouton, L. (2022). System Involvement Among LBQ Girls and Women. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Bouton, L., & Mallory, C. (2021). American Indian and Alaska Native LGBT Adults in the US: LGBT Well-Being at the Intersection of Race. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Bouton, L., & Mallory, C. (2021). Racial Differences Among LGBT Adults in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Bouton, L., & Mallory, C. (2021). White LGBT Adults in the US: LGBT Well-Being at the Intersection of Race. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Choi, S.K., Harper, G.W., Lightfoot, M., Russell, S., & Meyer, I.H. (2020). Homelessness Among LGBT Adults in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Del Rosario, S., & Bouton, L. (2021). Race and Well-being Among LGBT Adults (Data Interactive). Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M., Gordon, A.R., Mallory, C., Choi, S.K., Badgett, M.V.L., & LBQ Women’s Report Team (2021). Health and Socioeconomic Well-Being of LBQ Women in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B. D. M., Krueger, E. A., Pollitt, A. M., & Bostwick, W. B. (2022). Partnership status and mental health in a nationally representative sample of sexual minorities. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 9(2), 190–200.

Wilson, B.D.M., Mallory, C., Bouton, L., & Choi, S.K. (2021). Latinx LGBT Adults in the US: LGBT Well-Being at the Intersection of Race. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.

Wilson, B.D.M. & Meyer, I.H. (2021). Nonbinary LGBTQ Adults in the U.S. Los Angeles, CA: The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law.